
Save Points


Save Point provide a way to capture the current state of a data copy so that it can be resumed at a later time. Specifically, the pending, completed, failed, and unresolved record Ids are stored as part of the Save Point (.sfx-savepoint) file.

To create a Save Point, use the File->Create Save Point... menu item and select the location where you would like the save point created.

Save Points can be created while a data copy operation is in progress or after a data copy operation has completed.

To resume a data copy, start by logging into the source and destination environments and open your Copy Project, and then go to File->Load Save Point... A dialog box will be displayed after the Save Point is successfully loaded.

After loading the Save Point file, users can add additional records to the project to also have those processed during the data copy operation.

Next, click Start Data Copy to resume the data copy. When the data copy is resumed, all Pending and Failed records will be processed.

Enable Auto-Save

Auto-save will automatically create a Save Point file in the directory specified every 30 minutes (default) when a data copy operation is in progress. If the application is able to successfully create the new Save Point file, it will automatically delete the previous Save Point file.

This feature is useful for large volume data copy operations.