Step 1 - Create a New Project
In the Settings tab, select Projects on the left-hand sidebar. In Settings, click New Project. Projects are designed to be used as an organization tool to gather all of the data templates and users associated with one project in one place.
Step 2 - Add Source and Destination Environments
Click on the Environment Hub tab to add a source and destination environment for your data copy. Click New on the upper-right hand corner. You can connect using either Username/Password or OAuth 2.0. Click Connect after you have filled in the appropriate fields. Do this again to add another environment.
For additional information, see Environment Hub.
Step 3 - Create a Data Template
Click on the Data Template tab and click New on the upper-right hand corner to create a template. After filling out the appropriate fields, click Save.
For additional information, see Data Template.
Step 4 - Select Records To Copy
In the data template page you have just created, you’re able to select how you want to identify the data you want to copy into your destination org using the Record Selection, Query-based Selection, and/or Percentage-based Selection tabs.
Record Selection
Select specific records to copy. Start by searching for the object name. Filter search results with the option of using a WHERE clause. You can choose which columns are displayed for each record by clicking the gear icon and clicking Column Selection.
For additional information, see Record Selection.
Query-based Selection
Select records dynamically by creating a query. If records are added or deleted in your source environment by your end-users, you can easily re-run the saved queries to pick up on the latest records that match your query conditions.
- To begin, click Add Query. Choose your environment object from the drop down and specify whether you want to include all records.
- Complete the fields in the pop-up and click Save. Click Add to Data Template.
For additional information, see Query Based Selection.
Percentage-based Selection
Use this option when you are interested in copying a specific amount of data rather than focusing on specific records from specific objects. For example, if you want to populate a Dev sandbox (200 MB data storage) from your production org, you can use this option to have the application automatically figure out how much data to copy over for each object in the org so that it fits into the destination org.
By default, the application will evenly select records from each object relative the amount of records in each object. For example, if the source org has 5,000 Accounts and 10,000 Contacts, and the available free space on the destination is 7.5K records, the default settings will select 2,500 Account and 5,000 Contact records.
If you want more or less records from specific objects, select the object name and adjust the slider to increase/decrease the record count for that object. As you move the slider, you are able to see the total record amount that will be copied next to Records to Copy.
The application will automatically re-adjust the record counts from the other objects so that the total number of records still fit into the destination org.
By selecting the Lock Object Percentage checkbox on any object, you are able to keep that object’s percentage constant as you alter the percentage on other objects.
For additional information, see Percentage-based Selection.
Step 5 - Configure Data Template Settings (Optional)
After you have identified the records you want to copy, the Settings tab allows you to configure the following settings for the data copy:
Each object in the source environment, and it’s true or false configuration for Excluded, External ID, Excluded Fields, Data Translations, Data Masks and Validations.
External ID
Specify fields the application should use when trying to determine if the record already exists on the destination org. This is useful if users manually created records on the destination org or used another application to load data into the destination org.
If the data was created through a sandbox refresh (i.e. Partial or Full Sandbox), or by the OrgTools application, you do not have to define external ids since the id mapping between the source and destination is automatically tracked internally by the application.
Exclude Objects
Select objects to exclude or include. Note: you cannot exclude objects that already have records selected in the data template. In order to exclude that object, perform an exclude record operation first. You can do this under the Record Selection tab.
Exclude Fields
Select fields on an object to exclude or include. This is useful if you do not want to copy over data for specific fields. Note: if you exclude a lookup or master-detail field, the application will not consider the related object when discovering parent/child records.
Data Translations
Modify field values prior to writing them to the destination org. Use this if you need to alter the value of a field without having to directly modify the value on the source org. You can use either Regular Expressions or plain text.
Data Mask
Mask object fields using custom values for the following types: Regular Expression, Numeric Range, and Date Range. Alternatively, you can select the Automatic data mask type and random values will be generated for each field type. Note: you are able to test the data mask definitions you have created against your source environment data prior to performing a data copy.
By default, OrgTools will disable all validation types (e.g. Triggers, Workflows, Required Fields, etc.). Use this section to keep specific validation types and definitions enabled.
For additional information on the settings above, see Data Template Settings.
Step 6 - Start Data Copy
After you have completed identifying the records you want to copy, in the top right-corner, click Display Overview. Here you are able to see each object in the source environment and whether it is included or excluded in the data template, among other information like record count and excluded fields.
If you’re satisfied with the records to be copied, click Start Data Copy.
The confirmation pop-up will include billing account details, missing objects and a summary of the data copy. Note: by default, the application will disable metadata during the data copy. To change this setting, uncheck the Disable Destination Metadata during data copy checkbox.
Click OK to start the data copy.
You can check the progress of the data copy by expanding the Task window on the bottom-right of the window. To view the detailed status of the data copy along with any records that failed to copy, select the task in the “Tasks” tab and click the “Detail” button.